كمپاني DiKMA يكي از كمپاني هاي معتبر آمريكايي است كه به صورت تخصصي در زمينه توليد ستونهاي كروماتوگرافي مايع و گازي فعاليت ميكند.

ستون هاي HPLC ارائه شده توسط اين كمپاني قابليت استفاده در دستگاه هاي HPLC و UHPLC را دارد. اين كمپاني طيف وسيعي از ستون هاي كروماتوگرافي مايع HPLC را ارائه ميكند.

Features of Diamonsil® HPLC Columns
• General-purpose, highly inert reversed-phase columns
• Simultaneous separation of acids, bases, and neutral compounds with excellent peak shape
• Outstanding selectivity for efficient method development
• Uses high-purity silica with impurities less than 10 ppm
• Superior batch-to-batch reproducibility

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Diamonsil

Features of Inspire™ C18 & C8 Columns
• Rapid separations with outstanding resolution
• Advanced bonding technologies
• High efficiency and outstanding lifetime
• Excellent separation characteristics over wide pH range
• Superior batch-to-batch reproducibility
• Choose from a variety of phases and hardware formats

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Inspire

Features of Endeavorsil™ Columns
• Combined speed, resolution and sensitivity
• Reduced analysis time and solvent waste
• High efficiency combined with high selectivity generates more information and productivity
• Superior column performance at higher pressure
• Excellent separation characteristics over wide pH range

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Endeavorsil

Features of Leapsil™ Columns
• Ultra fast separation without compromising resolution
• Compatible with all HPLC and UHPLC instruments
• Method development flexibility
• Wide pH stability
• Full spectrum of phases and selectivities

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Leapsil

Features of Bio-Bond™ Columns
• Designed to analyze and purify proteins, peptides and biomolecules
• Available with C18, C8 and C4 bonded phases
• Direct scale-up to preparative material
• Outstanding reproducibility, efficiency and column lifetime

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Bio-Bond

Features of Spursil™ Columns
• Combine high purity silica with unique polar modification technology
• Unique selectivity and enhanced resolution
• Silanol shielding for excellent peak shape
• Improved water wettability and stable retention in highly aqueous mobile phase conditions
• Excellent retention for polar compounds
• Extended range pH stability
• Choose from a variety of selectivities and hardware formats

برگه اطلاعات ستونهاي Spursil